Does my life matter?

I started writing this blog the first time and reached 3-4 paragraphs and stopped. It was too generalized and I felt like I was circling around the topic of “Suicide”. I was pointing the fingers at others and I felt like I needed people to read my post and just understand, but the truth is no matter how much you try to convince people some will not understand. So instead I chose to relate and provide some form of help.
The pressures of this world, the talk of others and the standards of being a professional came down on me at 22. My college years had completed, I felt like a failure for completing school with such a low GPA. I ended a long distance relationship with a pretty awesome guy because I stopped trying. The job that I wanted and interviewed for I did not get. I was living in between both my parents houses, without a car and at a job (which I greatly appreciated) not making enough.
Different people tried to tell me what my next move should be, feeling like I should make this decision for my life and that decision. I had to be better, I had to earn more, I shouldn’t settle for just anything or anyone. I needed to immediately know the answer without failing in front of the world. I thought by that time in my life I would have been further and doing more. I felt like all my mistakes from relationships to money was the reason I was unhappy.
I smiled constantly, but I internally felt like a failure. I could encourage others but I questioned myself. I questioned what was the point of my life. I questioned if my life really mattered and would I ever truly be internally happy. That was no way to truly live, but time after time, I had too …”GET OVER IT!”
You go through a break up – “Get over it!”
You lose your job. – “Get over it!”
You are abandoned by a family member. – “Get over it!”
You have no real friends. – “Get over it!”
You get judged for the way you are. – “Get over it!”
Without realizing it, we may not say that exact phrase but when we don’t understand the depths of what someone is going through we expect them to eventually get over it. A lot of conversations we are having, we sometimes listen with the intent to respond but not understand. We quickly want to find solutions that we believe will  be beneficial for the other person but don’t realize they may not be able to apply it as quickly as we would like them too.
Society, employers, family, and friends pour into our spirit more than we think. Their standards, their judgements, what they think of us does matter. How they talk to us, effects us. Not feeling loved or cared about, can break someones heart. It is not easy to just get over being misunderstood, especially by those closest to us. People’s opinions do matter regardless of how strong we come off, especially if we are expected to always do more. That type of pressure can take a toll on an adult, let alone an adolescent. When a person can’t live up to an expectation or experience failure, the possibilities of what can occur are:
  1. Disappointment
  2. Shutting down from others
  3. Questioning self/abilities
  4. Anger
  5. Blaming
  6. Depression
  7. Anxiety
…. or even considering to take their own life. I know people will say I’m extreme for saying this, but when you live in a country where  44,193 people die by suicide each year, it is something that affects us all in some way. Every 16.2 seconds a person commits suicide. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds. The conversation is not being had, we overlook the signs and sometimes don’t want to hear it at all.  I am  a firm believer of God changing a heart, providing peace and love to a broken person. In addition, I also believe that God wants us to use wisdom and seek/provide the help we/others need. Whether it’s circumstances or a mental issues, tip toeing around the issue of suicide doesn’t just make it go away.
Speaking directly to the person reading this post who’s ever questioned their life, who is questioning their life, who has attempted to take their life away, it’s not worth it to quit! Circumstances and the repeated issues sucks. Seeing others thrive on social media doesn’t make it any better. Being behind for so long with no sign of improvements feels hopeless. And being overlooked is such a blow to a self esteem, but there’s more. There’s more in the journey of life for all of us. Asking for help or speaking to someone doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t mean you weird and it certainly doesn’t mean your worthless.
YOUR LIFE IS IRREPLACEABLE! There is no other person sent to this Earth by God to fulfill the exact Purpose you were called to do. Though, it appears that others have it together and they are just living the life, you never know what struggles they are covering up with makeup, money, cars, status, etc. You cannot compare because there is no one else like you.
And for the person who may know a person that is struggling, regardless of culture and how you believe a person should live, take the time to listen. Pick up the phone and call, text, send a message to their inbox. Just because someone looks put together doesn’t mean they are doing well on the inside. You never really know.
Though I don’t have the answers, I found some websites that may be beneficial for those who need it. Please see the following organizations below.
American Foundation For Suicide Prevention –
National Suicide Prevention
Active Minds (changing the conversation about mental health) –
The Trevor Project (LGBQT)
Mental Health America –
International Association for Suicide 
I pray we can begin to have the conversations that will help save lives.











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