A Letter to my BLACK CHILD

“Your greatest contribution to the world may not be something you do BUT who you raise.”
My child you are ROYALTY.
Your bloodline is directly from our risen King, Jesus Christ.
Which means you are CHOSEN.
You don’t need the world to identify what’s already inside of you.
You don’t need the affirmation of others in order to continue striving towards GREATNESS.
You don’t need to search for validation of those who look and don’t look like you as a sign of approval.
You have already been MARKED.
You are already LOVED.
You are already AMAZING.
Others who don’t know this about themselves may not understand your confidence.
Those who want to have control of your mind will do everything to distract you from the truth of who you are.
They will try to limit you, by trying to find ways to marginalize you.
Your black skin is one of most BEAUTIFUL, yet threatening part of you.
Your gender, another REMARKABLE attribute, yet they’ll use it as a reason to deem you aggressive.
Unfortunately, they have marked you as a target from the minute I chose to keep you.
They would have rather me wipe you out in seed form.
Ooh but you, you are meant to BLOSSOM.
You fought to be here, you are a quiet storm MY LOVE.
Take your time to develop, listen carefully to prepare, and just at the right time, activate  your gifts.
You are their worst nightmare, a loved black child who knows who’s they are and who they are.
So my black baby, my black love, my black joy, my black beauty… your BLACK LIFE MATTERS more than you know.
My promise to you, is to do EVERYTHING as a Black Woman/Mother to prepare you for the world ahead. With God, may you lack no good thing and may you never live beneath everything He has for you. May you be apart of the change/solution the world so desperately needs.
I love you❤️
Featured image @tanishasnell_

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